Simplified Identity Governance for Education

Easily Manage and Enforce the Static, Dynamic, and Risk-Based Policies of Your Business.

Your Institution Is Always Advancing. RapidIdentity Governance Grows with You.

Streamlined identity governance ensures proper identity and access controls are maintained and updated as your educational institution’s processes, data classifications, and personnel change. With RapidIdentity Governance, you can easily manage and enforce current policies with policy-driven configurations, so there’s no need to change existing processes.

RapidIdentity Governance gives IT, auditors, and faculty clear insight into which students and staff have access and helps ensure security through campaign- and time-based certification, sponsorship, and re-attestation.

Maintain Defined Educational & Security Processes

Each component of RapidIdentity Governance is driven by policy configurations. Implementing your current organization rules is typically as simple as completing a form and making check box selections—unlike other solutions where identity governance requires custom coding.

Enforce Policy Configurations Across the Institution

All configurations are centrally implemented and managed in one tool, ensuring they are consistently enforced across the entire academic institution. This consistent implementation of your policies enables effective compliance auditing later.

Free Up Resources By Automating Tedious Tasks

Once policies have been defined per your current governance rules, their enforcement and management is automated, eliminating tedious tasks and allowing IT staff to focus on the more important functions of your institution.

Easily Implement and Enforce Your School’s Identity Governance Needs

Access Management

Enforce least privilege access, while ensuring users have the access they need with robust self-service workflows. Execute time-based, role-based, annual, and ad-hoc access certification campaigns, while empowering business system owners to control them all.

Complex SOD Policy Handling

Eliminate conflicts of interest and control failures by implementing static and dynamic policies that enforce separation of duties (SOD) at a fine-grained application level.

Orphaned Account Detection

Alleviate concerns surrounding orphan and rogue accounts with reporting that automatically identifies these accounts in target systems.

API Password Management

Eliminate hard-coded credentials in application code and scripts through use of secure REST API calls.

Shared & Emergency Privileged Accounts

Enable users to request temporary access to shared and emergency privileged accounts in the event of “break-glass” situations.

Audit Logging & Reporting

Capture a complete compliance audit trail and gain security insights with comprehensive audit logging, pre-built reporting, and integration with security analytic systems, such as SIEM.

Let’s Make the World of Education Better Together

We help education institutions protect themselves online while preserving the productivity of the learning process. Identity Automation offers the only comprehensive and flexible cyberdefense platform purpose-built for education.