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Authentication & Assurance

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Single Sign-On for All Users

Rely on our secure single sign-on, RapidIdentity SSO, to provide a portal experience that is tailored to the needs of each user group, including inside or outside the classroom. 

Student-friendly Authentication

Achieve security and ease of use with RapidIdentity Authentication. By providing a variety of passwordless authentication methods, all students can easily access the resources they need.

Flexible Classroom Management Options

Use a single identity provider (IdP) for authentication across all users and applications while maintaining your current classroom portal experience. 

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Secure Authentication Methods Designed for Education

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How a one-size-fits-all approach puts you at risk

To build a secure system, you need a robust multi-factor authentication system. However, implementing a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work because different users have different risk levels depending on their role, where they're accessing systems from, and a variety of other factors.

It's critical that you define risk levels up front for different employees, roles, and other categories of users. How are you doing this?

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Owensboro Public Schools Case Study

Owensboro Public Schools in Kentucky needed an enterprise-grade IAM solution with single sign-on and multi-factor authentication that was supportable, scalable, and replicable.

Industry: K-12

Solutions: Authentication, Lifecycle

RapidIdentity Authentication for easy password resets, to apply the state’s AD password requirements across all accounts, and to enhance district-wide login security.

RapidIdentity Lifecycle to automate IAM, sync cloud resources, utilize custom configurations, reduce onboarding time for new employees, and reduce manual work by the IT department.

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Get in Touch

Implement the right authentication methods for varying roles and risk levels. Reach out to the Identity Automation team today for a live demo.
