K-12 Class Roster Synching

Seamlessly deliver class rosters to digital learning resources

Everyone wants curriculum delivery platforms in the classroom, but integrating digital learning resources with SIS platforms can be a struggle that leaves teachers frustrated and students without access to the resources they need to succeed.

RapidIdentity Rostering is a SaaS integration service that automates the process of integrating and synchronizing student roster data with target applications, giving students immediate access to class resources and ensuring a richer curriculum delivery. Leave the process of integrating and maintaining class rosters with digital learning resources to Rapididentity.

Accelerate Digital Learning

Effortlessly sync the class roster data needed to optimize collaboration and the learning experience. Rostering data is provided to third-party vendors immediately and stays up to date throughout the semester, so students and educators always have access to the right digital textbooks and resources they need to succeed.

Protect Student Data

RapidIdentity Rostering is an identity-driven approach to automated rostering that is purpose-built with security in mind. By providing a granular level of control, you can specify which data elements are shared with third-party applications, protecting PPI and reducing your academic institution’s liability.

Reduce IT Burden

RapidIdentity Rostering provides timely, reliable sharing and bidirectional syncing with third-party online educational resources. Automating the process of integrating and synchronizing student roster data with your target applications frees up your IT team to focus on more strategic initiatives.

How K-12 Rostering Works


RapidIdentity Rostering consumes course and user data from your student information system.

RapidIdentity Rostering cleans and structures the data into formats required by the target systems.

RapidIdentity Rostering synchronizes the data to the target systems through a variety of exchange standards.

Automate Your Virtual Classroom & Gain Immediate Access to Digital Resources

Catalog of Predefined Application Integrations

Choose your SIS, LMS, digital textbook, and other instructional applications from our catalog of predefined rostering integrations. Provide your institution’s related information, and let the system do the rest.

Data Privacy Compliance

The RapidIdentity Rostering platform is hosted in Amazon Web Services and compliant with the following: FERPA, COPPA, SOPPA, and California-specific student privacy laws.

Support for IMS Global OneRoster™ Standard

Identity Automation’s OneRoster consumer and provider capabilities enable integration with over 300 OneRoster certified applications.

Support for Custom Delimited File Formats

Unlike other rostering solutions, RapidIdentity Rostering supports custom file formats for both provider and consumer applications, enabling districts to automate rostering with a broad range of educational application providers.

Flexible Data Derivation & Data Filtering UI

Leverage RapidIdentity’s “Metaverse” to collect and stage roster data for custom outputs to consumer and provider systems through Flat Files and API’s using a flexible data derivation and data filtering UI.

Let’s Make the World of Education Better Together

We help education institutions protect themselves online while preserving the productivity of the learning process. Identity Automation offers the only comprehensive and flexible cyberdefense platform purpose-built for education.